Armenian Public Radio Is Ready To Continue Cooperation With Radio Li


Noyan Tapan
Jul 27, 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 27, NOYAN TAPAN. The Council of the Public Television
and Radio Company and the Public Radio Company reaffirm their wish
to continue the cooperation with the Board of Directors of the
American Broadcasts and Radio Liberty/Free Europe in favour of the
friendship between the Republic of Armenia and the United States of
America. This was mentioned in the statement spread by the Council
of the Armenian Public Television and Radio Company, which clarifies
a number of inaccuracies contained in the July 24 statement made by
Radio Liberty/Free Europe.

According to this statement, it is the good will of the Public
Radio Company that the programs of the Radio Liberty/Free Europe
are still broadcast, since there is no contract between the Public
Radio Company and the Board of Directors of the American Broadcasts
or Radio Liberty/Free Europe at the moment.

"Radio Liberty/Free Europe made payments until February, 2007,
afterwards the payments ceased irrespective of the fact that bills
continued to be introduced every month. At present, the overdue debts
for the rebroadcast services supplied to Radio Liberty/Free Europe
make 86 thousand U.S. dollars," is said in the statement spread by
the Council of the Armenian Public Radio Company.

However, Public Radio has not rejected the suggestions of Radio
Liberty/Free Europe on making payments, instead it has introduced a
number of notifications claiming to immediately pay off the overdue

On July 6, 2007, however, the Council of the Armenian Public Radio
Company made a decision to stop the transmission of the programs
of foreign and local broadcasting companies on the frequencies of
the Public Radio and Public Television since August 9, taking into
consideration the general international experience of the activities
of public radio and television companies. This was notified to three
broadcasting companies in a decent way: Radio Liberty/Free Europe,
"MIR" radio and television company, and "Tsayg" television company,
which were advised to make arrangements until August 9.

In response to this notification, Radio Liberty/Free Europe has made
a request to prolong that term. The Public Radio Company has accepted
the above-mentioned suggestion.

The Council of the Armenian Public Radio Company has discussed the
possibility of rebroadcasting the programs of Radio Liberty/Free Europe
through the "Ar Radio" intercontinental radio company on the basis
of the discussions, which were conducted with the delegation of the
Board of Directors of the American Broadcasts a week ago. The Public
Radio should reduce its broadcasting hours through the FM network
of the "AR Radio" in order to make such a transmission technically
possible. Thus, these hours will be given to Radio Liberty/Free Europe.

According to the statement, Public Radio and the "AR Radio" made
a preliminary arrangement concerning certain technical issues and
a message was sent to Mr. Garry Tetcher, the Head of the Board of
Directors of American Broadcasting on July 24, informing him about
these developments.

On July 25 the Board of Directors of American Broadcasting introduced
the draft of the contract of the offered services concerning the
rebroadcast of the programs of Radio Liberty/Free Europe through the
"AR Radio" intercontinental radio company and the sides were in the
final stage of the negotiations concerning the above-mentioned draft,
when Radio Liberty/Free Europe spread its statement.