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Armenia’s First Independent Science Foundation Celebrates 10 Years O


Lragir, Armenia
July 27 2007

Yerevan, Armenia – 30 July 2007 – The National Foundation of Science
and Advanced Technologies (NFSAT) is convening an international
conference from 9.30 am to 5pm at the Marriott Armenia hotel to
highlight its achievements over the first ten years of its existence.

The event is being viewed as a milestone for international
collaboration in both the United States and Armenia.

Over the past decade, NFSAT has successfully established that peer
review, that is, the objective and transparent evaluation of the
quality of scientific research by other scientists, is a legitimate
form of distributing science funding in Armenia. This is the method
used in most modern knowledge-based economies, and NFSAT’s utilization
of it brings Armenia that much closer to full integration into the
international scientific community.

NFSAT will also announce the results of the University Centers of
Excellence Program (UCEP), which is being realized by the National
Foundation of Science and Advanced Technologies and the U.S. Civilian
Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) together with the Yerevan
State University. Three university centers, each funded at US $100,000,
will be created and maintained by NFSAT. They will be equipped with
modern equipment and will focus on the preparation of young researchers
and students in internationally competitive fields of science.

Rudolf Perina, U.S. Charge d’Affaires, a.i., the Deputy Chief
of Mission Joseph Pennington, and the director of the "Centers
and Institution Building" program of the U.S. Civilian Research &
Development Foundation, John Modzelewski, will evaluate U.S.-Armenian
collaboration during the event. The CEOs of NFSAT’s sister
organizations in Moldova and Georgia, Lydia Romanciuc and George
Khokhobashvilli, will also estimate the international role of NFSAT.

The presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RA, Vardan
Oskanyan, the Minister of Education and Science, Levon Mkrtichyan,
and the Minister of Trade and Economic Development, Nerses Yeritsyan,
will give the event added significance.

The Adviser to RA President, Sergo Yeritsyan, the Adviser to RA
Prime Minister, academician Fadey Sargsyan, the Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Arman Kirakosyan, the President of the National
Academy of Science of RA, academician Radik Martirosyan, the Deputy
Minister of Education and Science, Ara Avetisyan, the Rector of the
Yerevan State University, academician Aram Simonyan, the Rector of
the State Engineering University of Armenia, Prof. Vostanik Marukhyan
and many other officials, as well as reputable and young scientists
will deliver speeches during the meeting.

Academicians Emil Gabrielyan and Yuri Sargsyan will deliver speeches
as guests of honor.

The National Foundation of Science and Advanced Technologies is an
independent, nonprofit, non-governmental foundation which is aimed
to prevent the dissolution of great Armenian scientific assets, to
promote scientific research and technological development in Armenia
according to the international standards, as well as the integration
of the Armenian scientific establishment into the international
scientific community.

NFSAT was established on 4 July 1997, according to a legislative act
of the Republic of Armenia. A major source of the financial support
for NFSAT is provided by the U.S. CRDF as a part of a U.S. Department
of State program aimed to enlarge the scientific and technological
support of Armenia. The basis for NFSAT’s cooperation with such
reputable organizations as the American Association for the Advancement
of Science (AAAS), the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), the
Office of Naval Reseach (ONR), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO), the United Armenian Fund (UAF) and the Armenian Engineers
and Scientists of America (AESA) are its principles of operation and
its fiscal integrity, which have regularly been highly estimated by
international auditors and reviewers, including the U.S.

National Academy of Sciences.

The following are some of the achievements which have been realized
through various NFSAT programs during its 10 years of operations and
which have had a considerable impact upon the scientific development
of Armenia:

Promoting Establishment of International Research Collaborations

Strengthening Science and Education

Improving Career Skills for Scientists

Supporting the Economy through Commercialization of Science

Supporting International Travel and Conferences

Funding Modern Tools for Research

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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