"Genocide Has Become A Brand For Armenia"


[04:58 pm] 27 July, 2007

Armenia’s stance towards Armenian-Turkish relations is already well
known. We are waiting for Turkey’s announcement. Since 1992 Armenia
has proposed to set up relations without preconditions," stated Ruben
Safrastyan, an expert on Turkish studies

Turkey strives to establish good terms with all its neighbors. Over
the last few years Turkey has been conducting a policy of splitting
South Caucasus. The country is taking efforts to create a group of
minor allies including Georgia and Azerbaijan. However, this policy
is not favorable for Russia and Ruben Safrastyan thinks Turkey will
bring this program into being with difficulty.

In my opinion Russia will try to hinder, and Turkey will face obstacles
while making its dream come true, said Safrastyan.

According to Safrastyan, Russia pursues certain goals in South Caucasus
therefore the country won’t endorse Turkey’s new policy.

To the question how the July 22 parliamentary elections in Turkey will
affect Armenian-Turkish relations, Safratsyan said, "The situation
in Turkey is hopeless, only an optimist may expect that after the
Turkish election positive moves will be made to improve relations
with Armenia, stated Ruben Safrastyan.

The ruling Justice and Development Party has made two unprecedented
statements. The party inspires hopes for improvement of bilateral
relations, Ruben Safrastyan said.

Safrastyan agreed that the Armenian Genocide has become a kind of
brand for Armenia’s recognition overseas.

Ruben Safrastyan thinks the Turks refuse to recognize the genocide
because they do not want to be labeled as a nation which committed
genocide. Yet uncertainty is another reason for the delay of the
recognition of the Genocide