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RA Government Endorses 2007-2015 National Program Of Reproduction He


Noyan Tapan
Jul 27, 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 27, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA government approved the 2007-2015
national program of reproduction health improvement and the schedule
of the activities of this program in the sitting, which was held on
July 26. The program has been developed with the cooperation of an
international expert and non-governmental organizations, it has also
undergone an international examination. It was mentioned during the
sitting that the implementation of this program will contribute to
the increase in birth rate, the decrease in disease and death rate,
improvement of demographic indices, as well as to the establishment
of a healthy way of life. The distribution of the financial means
necessary for the implementation of the national program directed
at the improvement of reproduction health has also been approved by
the decision.

Hayk Gharibian, the RA Deputy Minister of Health Care, informed
journalists after the sitting that 8.6 million U.S. dollars will be
allocated by international donor organizations for the implementation
of the above-mentioned program. The main goal of the program is to
improve the forebirth supervisory indices, to reduce the number
of cancer diseases of reproduction organs, sexual infections,
childlessness, and artificial miscarriages, and to decrease the
level of the maternal death rate, to name but a few. By the way,
three cases of maternal death were registered this year in comparison
with 40 registered in 1990 in the republic.

According to H. Darbinian, the implementation of the program will
contribute to the increase in birth rate in the republic. It was
also mentioned that childlessness in the republic makes a rather high
percent, especially that of secondary childlessness.

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