2007-07-27 13:07:00
The rates of growth of tourists afflux to Armenia will reduce within
the next five years from the present 20% per year over the last 10
years, specialists of the programme "Competitive Armenian private
sector" (CAPS) presented such a forecast to ArmInfo, made on the
basis of studies of the tourism sphere in the republic.
Meanwhile, Armenia has the best indicators by the number of visitors
over the last 5 years, among 12 countries which offer the similar
tourist product and are considered as an alternative. These countries
are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon,
Poland, Rumania, Syria, Turkey and Ukraine. Israel is the most
competitive country in the area of tourism, followed by Estonia and
Hungary. Armenia takes the last place. Ukraine takes the fist place by
the level of incomes from tourist activities, followed by Rumania and
Estonia, where the third place is taken by Armenia. By the revenue
from tourist activities per capita, Armenia takes the second place
from the end – less than $100. For example, this indicator in Lebanon
makes up $1300. Armenia is in the seventh place by the volume of
investments and in the last place by advertising expenses. By the
level of corruption, Armenia takes the 9th place. It takes the same
position by competitiveness of hotel prices, while the most competitive
prices are in Turkey, Jordan and Hungary.
CAPS specialists conclude that despite the relatively high rate of
afflux of tourists to Armenia, their number is insufficient as compared
with another countries. Low revenue from the tourist activity and its
low share in the country’s economy are also noted. Concern is also
given by complex procedure of receipt of entry visa to Armenia that,
undoubtedly, hampers the afflux of tourists. Besides high hotel prices,
high prices for air tickets are also noted, that reduces the country’s
tourist competitiveness. The research authors recommend Armenia to
study the potential markets, that is, Russia, USA, France, Italy and
Great Britain. They also recommend to use the experience of Israel,
Hungary and Estonia during implementation of reforms in tourism. It
is proposed to facilitate the procedure of entry visas receipt for
the countries-potential markets, carry out a policy of an open sky
an activate the advertising in tourism. The most part of the data
for studies was taken from the World Tourist Organization and the
World Tourist Council. However, the data on the number of tourists
and expenses have not been specified.