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About Fake Opposition


Hayots Ashkharh Daily
28 July 07

Illusions not to be chased

They say there is no opposition in our reality. Why do we need it,
though? It depends from whose point of view. People need the opposition
if it accedes to power and improves their life. Or, makes the
authorities in power improve life.
Or, sometimes it so happens that the opposition is needed only for
its own self. The most important thing for that kind of opposition and
officials is self-seeking interests: offices, posts, trips abroad and
banquettes. This is the kind of opposition that exists in our reality.
There are a lot of people of this kind in our society: Deputies,
ministers, provincial governors, mayors, generals, scholars and
intellectuals… Everything is present in our reality; the state
structure is formed: President, Government, Army, Police, Prosecutor’s
Office, Parliament, courts and opposition.
Why though in that case most of the people feel as if they are in a
desert? Should anything happen, no one will give them a helping hand.
Recently, they have constantly been writing and speaking about some
active communications, preparation for the 2008 presidential elections
and other curious things. In two words, these people are eager to come
to power in 2008. That’s to say, to seize power from those who
currently possess it.
How to do it, though? By use of force? Are these coward creatures
capable of it? No one is willing to die in barricades.
If the opposition is ready to lead a battle, there only remains one
method for it to come to power ` to hold victory in the elections. But
in order to hold such victory, the Opposition has to receive votes 10
times exceeding the results of the previous elections. The issue is
whether the people will vote in favor of the Opposition. It depends
upon the kind of the oopposition. As regards the opposition we have
now, the answer is in the negative.
It is very easy to set up a pro-Government party. It has dozens of
times been proven both under the rule of the Armenian pan-National
Movement and currently. `Prosperous Armenia’ is a fair example of it.
To set up a pro-Government Party, one needs to have power, in addition
to money. And everything will be all right.
Things are more complicated in case of setting up a competitive
pro-Opposition party. Who will commit himself to this kind of extremely
hard task? Our political genii turn into non-entities upon losing
power; as did the leaders of the Armenian pan-National Movement in
their time; as do the former Prime Ministers, Parliamentary Speakers
and Ministers, currently declaring themselves as pro-Opposition
Practically, all the pro-Opposition parties held their regular and
extra-ordinary sessions prior to the Parliamentary elections. Have you
paid attention to them? I don’t mean those who pronounce ardent
speeches from the tribune; I mean those who sit in the hall. They look
sad and dull and hide their eyes all the time. Is this the party aiming
to hold a victory as a result of the elections? Is this the party of
That kind of party must be composed of enthusiasts with sparkling
eyes. Their thoughts, beliefs, enthusiasm and even fanatic ideas must
flow like a fountain. And they must look so happy; their appearances
should convey the following ideas to the people: we are together; we
will win; we will move the country forward.
But these people have no distinct personality; they are withered
creatures. All they say is nothing more than curses addressed to the
criminal administration. One thing is unclear: is there still anyone
who believes them? Is there anyone who believes people without a
distinct personality? If one is devoid of a distinct personality, it is
impossible to trust him because he has nothing to lose. And now, these
people are `in active communications and are preparing for the
presidential elections’. Everything will certainly end in disgrace.
We have already discussed the issue that the existence of a fake
opposition makes the advent of a true one impossible. The arena is
occupied. Some wealthy Pinocchio looking from abroad thinks whom to
give money for the sake of the best future and the victory of
democracy. And these creatures – the present-day pro-Opposition
activists, immediately appear in front of him. All they need for the
sake of the best future and the victory of democracy is modern, large
and well-equipped offices, grandiose cars, air time on television,
newspaper pages devoted to them and trips abroad.
There are a lot of foolish creatures all over the world, and it is
even possible to meet those who are rich. But none of the wealthy
foolish creature living abroad is foolish enough to invest money in an
affair initiated by those who are bankrupt.
The poor people look at them and think: whom to follow for the sake
of a bright future? Here it is ` the Opposition. It will grant you
property, freedom, security and legitimacy.
At the beginning of the ’90s all the floors of `Ani’ hotel were from
top to bottom full of some suspicious units which could hardly be
considered as banks or firms. `We have already earned money for
ourselves. We’ll earn money for you too,’ ran the advertisement. And
the people took there the savings earned through painstaking work in
order to survive a month by the high interests they gave. And then, all
the companies evaporated, and their owners disappeared; naturally,
together with the money of those who were cheated. This was a good
school for the naпve.
This is the reason the ruling authority is currently so
self-confident. The fake opposition does not give it any grounds to be
afraid of anything. The fake opposition does not threaten it with
anything. What the ruling authority is afraid of is a pretender whom
the people may follow.
The people will never follow those clowns. The opposition is nothing
more than an illusion.

Karabekian Emil:
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