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BAKU: Mammadyarov sends letter to Albania on arms sales to Armenia

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
July 28 2007

Elmar Mammadyarov sends letter to his Albanian, Pakistani
counterparts and OIC secretary general on arms sales to Armenia

[ 28 Jul 2007 14:03 ]

Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister sent a letter to Albanian Foreign
Minister Lulzim Basha, secretary general of Organization of Islamic
Conference (OIC) Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu and the head of the
organization’s Foreign Ministers’ Council, Pakistan’s Foreign
Minister Khurshid Kasuri on illegal arms sales to Armenia, spokesman
for Foreign Ministry Khazar Ibrahim told APA.

The letter says that such relations between Albania and Armenia pose
serious concern. It does not only worry Azerbaijani society, but also
has negative influence on friendship relations between Azerbaijan and
Albania, members of UN, OSCE and OIC.
`As you know, over 800,000 Azerbaijanis became refugees as a result
of Armenian aggression and ethnic cleansing. According to OIC
resolutions, in order to prevent Armenia from continuing aggression
and enlarging the conflict, the organization member states should not
sell military supplies, weapons to Armenia, and should not allow
using their country a transit country. This fact contradicts norms
and principles of the international law. Baku is against war and
regards selling military supplies and weapons to Armenia as an act
against Azerbaijan,’ the letter says.
Taking into account mutual relations between Azerbaijan and Albania,
especially high-level meeting of the two presidents last month in
Istanbul in the framework of BSECO summit, Elmar Mammadyarov called
on his Albanian counterpart to intervene in the case and ensure
canceling sale of weapons,. /APA/

Taslakhchian Andranik:
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