Press TV, Iran
July 28 2007
US facility in Armenia to spy on Iran
Sat, 28 Jul 2007 19:07:14
Source: APA
The United States is using old tricks to spy on Iran from Armenia
Armenian sources have revealed that an American company working for
the Pentagon is fulfilling errands on Iran from their territory.
The US Global Gold Corporation (GGC) which is operating in Arevis
village of Sisyan region in Armenia is to complete its gold
exploration mission by the end of 2007, APA reports quoting Armenian
The gold deposit is said to be situated on the border with Nakhchivan
province of Azerbaijan.
However, local residents say that besides geologists, they have also
seen some English-speaking military-like people, who are installing
unknown big equipments in the territory.
Armenia and Iran enjoy cordial relations and both countries are
strategic partners in the region.
Cultural and historical ties between the two nations which were one
until some 150 years ago, go back thousands of years and the
Christian Armenian minority has always been officially recognized and
respected in Iran.
An important factor in the bilateral relations is the cooperation in
the field of energy security which reduces Armenia’s dependence on
Armenia is also considered to be a nominee to transfer Iranian gas to
Europe through Georgia and the Black Sea.