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Having Suffered A Defeat In Resolution Of Kosovo Conflict, UNO Got D


"PanARMENIAN.Net" analytical department
27.07.2007 GMT+04:00

If the Security Council takes any decision, the zone of conflict will
by all means have "blue helmets" arriving there, which will have its
most negative impact on the situation of the region; the very Kosovo
is the most evident proof of the above mentione

Having suffered a defeat in resolution of Kosovo Conflict, UNO
decided to get down to other conflicts, including those which exist
in post-Soviet area.

Presently the UN Security Council has the situation of
Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone under its consideration. As it is
stated in the report on the state of affairs in the region, which
was handed in to the Security Council by the UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon, Abkhazia and Georgia "Failed to justify the hopes of
resuming the dialogue. This brought no stability in the situation of
the confrontation zone."

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In the opinion of Ban Ki-moon because of the
absence of direct dialogue between Tbilisi and Sokhumi there is
"distrust and suspicion which may make the situation even much tenser."

The Resolution adopted unanimously by the Security Council called both
parties upon resuming the dialogue and fully keep to the agreement
about ceasefire, force-free process and returning the refugees reached
earlier. The Secretary General mentioned with regret that the parties
interpret this document differently.

Meanwhile it is well known in UNO that in the conflict zone there
is the Conciliatory Commission made up of representatives from RF,
Georgia and Abkhazia, which also seeks conflict resolution. However,
no commission or no any other international organization may help the
problem which has existed for 15 years already. It is natural that
Georgia, as well as GUAM Countries (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan,
and Moldova) would love to have the resolution of conflicts of
their territory reach UN, to once and for all "bury" the last hope
that they will ever be regulated. This refers to both Transnistria
and Nagorno-Karabakh. In this regard it should be reminded that two
questions having direct connection with Karabakh conflict have been
put on the agenda of the 61st Session of the UN General Assembly.

One of the questions was proposed by Azerbaijan, the second one – by
GUAM Countries. However neither of them has yet been discussed at the
61st Session, and according to the General Assembly Order they will
be discussed at next Session. "An issue is included in the agenda if
there is a corresponding decision made by the General Assembly," said
the acting press-secretary of RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vladimir
Karapetyan. According to him, Azerbaijan’s wish to lead the issue of
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation out of the framework of the
present negotiations has a negative impact on the whole process. "The
given step speaks of the absence of political will in Azerbaijan for
positive regulation of the conflict," he mentioned in his comment on
Baku’s will of putting the issue of Karabakh Conflict regulation on
the agenda of UN General Assembly’s Session.

Georgia and Azerbaijan appeal to UN, being well aware of the fact
that if the Security Council takes any decision, the zone of conflict
will by all means have "blue helmets" arriving there, which will have
its most negative impact on the situation of the region; the very
Kosovo is the most evident proof of the above mentioned fact. EU,
NATO and OSCE are well aware of this and insist on preserving the
format of OSCE Minsk Group, based on the same apprehensions. On the
whole according to the OSCE and Conciliatory Commission statements no
progress is registered in the process of conflict regulation. The truth
is though that in the case of Conciliatory Commission the most decisive
word is after Russia, for which the independence of Abkhazia will help
gain control over Georgia. In any case Kosovo will gain independence,
if it doesn’t happen now, it will happen in some years. But to what
extent this independence will become the key for regulation of the
conflicts in CIS is not clear. In any case 15-20 year-period is
not long for resolution of such conflicts. Arab – Israeli conflict
began in 1948 and exists up to present in spite of the declaration
of independence of Palestine. So everything is still ahead both for
the world community and UNO, which managed to prove in a short time
that it is just a political tool in the hands of great powers.

Jagharian Tania:
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