NKR: Official : Next Session Of Government


Azat Artsakh Tert
July 31 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

The next session of the Government has been foreseen on July 31,
2007. According to the aqcuired order, the conference took place
in the Government on July 30 led by the Prime Minister Anoushavan
Danielian. The conference aimed to clear up the agenda of the session,
and also check the degree of readinees of the questions embraced in
the agenda. During the conference the new bills "About special sending
of documents", "About special conservation of nature territories",
"About hunting and keeping a hunting hosehold" have been met with
approval and will be submitted to the trial. In the agenda of the
session the questions concerned with the privatization will find
place. In the coming session the Government will resolve also to
give one-off financial grant to the separate groups of NKR people in
connection with the 16th anniversary of the republic. To celebrate
the occasion more than 7 thousand 200 citizens of sevsn groups are
foreseen to assign for 90 million drams.