Categories: News

Armenians Angry At ADL (Anti-Defamation League )


Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY
Aug 1 2007

A nationwide program sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League is
prompting an angry response from Armenians upset by the organization’s
stance on the Armenian genocide.

Armenian residents of the Boston suburb of Watertown want the local
"No Place for Hate" program to sever its ties with the ADL, the Boston
Globe reported. "No Place for Hate" certifies individual communities
that undertake anti-bias programming.

At issue is the ADL’s refusal to endorse a proposed congressional
bill that would recognize the Turkish murder of an estimated 1.5
million Armenians during World War I. Turkey refuses to acknowledge
the genocide, and has enlisted the help of several prominent political
figures to help defeat the bill.

The ADL contends that it doesn’t take positions on historical issues.

Other Jewish groups, including B’nai B’rith, the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee and the American Jewish Committee have taken
no position on the resolution.

Badalian Vardan:
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