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BAKU: Azerbaijani Soldier Killed In Azerbaijani-Armenian Border


Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
Aug 1 2007

Azerbaijan, Baku / corr Trend E.Huseynli / the Azerbaijani Defense
Ministry announced on 1 August that a soldier of the Azerbaijan
National Army was killed as a result of uninterrupted violation of
a ceasefire at the Armenian -Azerbaijani border line on 31 July and
1 August.

Aslan Aliyev, 19, got heavy injuries during a fire in the direction of
Ahmadagali village of Agdam District. He was called up to the military
service in 2007 by the Jalilabad District Military Commissariat.

The violation of ceasefire is frequently observed the village of
Ahmadagali, Bashgarvend, Javahirli, Shirvanli, Goytepe of Agdam
District and Chayli village of Terter District.

The Azerbaijani National Armed Forces retaliated and no casualties
were reported

Agdam District is located in 375km and Terter in 350km of southwest
of Baku.

Varosian Antranik:
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