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NKR: Formation And Stable Traditions

Norayr Hovsepian

Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Aug 1 2007

For following and elucidating the process of the NKR presidential
elections, till before the elections numerous journalists, observers
and observant groups have visited to the republic.Already, on the day
of elections, at 10:00, more than 200 observers, majority of them –
international, were accrediated. However, here the visitors have been
received with hospitality becoming Artsakh, aiming to satisfy with
the necessary conditions of their effective works. The Press-centre,
formed on the eve, had a significant investment in the process. The
Prss-centre formed on the public bases, this time has opened in the
Culture and Youth House in Stepanakert. So the foreseen woorks have
been finished in time, in which the active assistance of management
of Culture and Youthe House also promoted. The opportunities have
been formed for the visitors to receive brief information not
only about the NKR presidential elections, but generally about
the republic. According to the information of our interlocuter,
about 1.5 ten computers have been brought from the school number
3, rather qualified netting communication has been satisfied for
making more reasonable the works of journalists and observers. Very
important condition for securing the operativeness is the fact of
availability of international telephone connection. In the information
of operativeness the head of the Press-centre attached importance to
the active collaboration with CEC. After the ending the elections the
press-conferences of observers and observant missions were organized
in the Press-centre. However, the observers and the representatives
of Mass-media estimate rather highly the works of the Press-centre.

Our interlocuter hasn’t avoided of reflecting also the weak sides of
the Press-centre’s works.

Zakarian Garnik:
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