NKR: Congratulatory Messages


Azat Artsakh Tert
Aug 2 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

"Dear Mr Sahakian, I congratulate you warmly on your election as the
President of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Having unreserved confidence
of Artsakh people, I’m sure, that You’ll continue to make efforts
directed to providing people with prosperity and to strengthening
and developing the statehood of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. The NKR
presidential elections carried out accordingly to the democratic
standarts, re-establish the irreversibility of the process of the
statehood of NKR. I wish you success at Your high and responsible
post for the welfare of people and State of Artsakh". (Serge Sargsian,
RA Prime Minister). "We send our patriarchal sanctification from the
Cathedral church St Edjmiatsin and congratulate you on the election
President of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. We serve satisfaction to God,
that our Artsakh people builds its free life in peace for enriching
the native land with belief of leaving safe and happy. In the just
work of realizing the wishes and hopes of all Artsakh people, you’ve
brought your efforts and devotion by participating in the Artsakh
liberation and Statehood. I wish you, Dear President, long lasting
days of healthy life, courage and energy at your post, success
in your programs and undertakings". (The supreme patriarch of all
Armenians Garegin B). "Dear Mr Sahakian, I heartly congratulate you
on the election President of Nagorno-Karbakh Republic. The success
of the elections, which met high internatioanl standarts, is an
excellent foundation for further consolidation of NKR, international
recognition and prosperity of the heroic Artsakh people. I’m sure,
that your experience and devotion will serve as guarantees for further
success. I assure, you of all asistance of the Armenian National
Assembly and wish you every success at the post or the welfare our
people and prosperity of NKR".(The Speaker of RA NA Tigran Torossian)