NKR: Notification Of NKR CEC


Azat Artsakh Tert
Aug 2 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

On July 31st, the session of NKR Central Electoral Commission took
place, led by its chairman Sergey Nassibian. In the session the
reference of audit service attached to CEC about the pre-election funds
formed by the candidates participated in the presidential elections of
July 19 were accepted as knowledge. Then the Commission discussed the
question of preparing and carring out the next elections of NKR local
self-government institutions. It was accepted as knowledge, that by
the desision of number 311 of NKR Government of July 14, 2007 about
carring out the next elections of local self-government institutions,
tha day of elections of NKR local self-government institutions was
fixed October 14, 2007. It was defined, that the territorial electoral
commissions of Askeran, Shahumian, Shushi and Kashatagh organize
and carry out the elections of region communities. The territorial
electoral commissions were charged to carry out necessary organizing
works with plenipotentiary bodies for organizing and carring out
the coming elections of local self-government institutions at a high
level. The chairman of NKR CEC S. Nassibian