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Armenia Is Forming Brand Of Tourism Country


ARKA News Agency
Aug 2 2007

YEREVAN, August 2. /ARKA/. Armenia is occupied with forming a brand of
a tourism country, said Head of Tourism Department of the RA Ministry
of Trade and Economic Development Mehkak Apresyan.

He said that the work over tourism image of the country began with the
broadcast of the advertisement-information trailer about Armenia on TV
channels CNN and EuroNews in March. The trailers should form Armenia’s
image as an attractive tourism country and implement investments.

"The task is to provide Armenia’s tourism competitiveness by presenting
îwn attractiveness. Our country has potential and can demonstrate
its unique originality, and we try to use out cultural and historical
heritage and make it our brand, moreover, Armenia is the first country
who adopted Christianity," Apresyan said.

He pointed out that Armenia has rich history, wonderful nature and,
the most important thing – national peculiarities.

In the first half-year of 2007, the number of tourists to Armenia
increased by 36% as compared to the same period in 2006 and made
181.2ths people.

According to the forecasts of the RA Ministry of Trade and Economic
Development, in 2007 the number of tourists visiting Armenia will
make 450ths, which will provide 20% rise as compared to the last year.

As compared to the official statistics, starting from 2001 the average
annual growth of tourists visiting Armenia has made 25%.


Maghakian Mike:
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