BAKU: Baku Does Not Rule Out Possibility Of Russia Selling Arms To A


TREND News Agency, Azerbaijan
Aug 3 2007

Azerbaijan, Baku / corr Trend K.Ramazanova / Araz Azimov, the
Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister, stated in Baku on 3 August that
Baku does not rule out the sale of arms to Armenia by Russia.

Azimov said that the cooperation between Armenia and Russia is at a
level of military alliance and they determine issues of defense and
military development. He was commenting on the possibility of the
Russian arms delivery to Armenia. He did not rule out the realization
of any joint policy occupation of between Armenia and Russian,
particularly, in the armament policy.

In case the announcement turns out to be true, Russia should realize
that the outcome could be unpleasant. The current situation in the
region requires the conflict sides to continue talks in accordance
with international standards. " Azerbaijan will not ignore armaments
from Armenia," he emphasized.

He recalled that from the efforts of the Azerbaijani diplomacy,
it was possible to prevent supplies to Azerbaijan by many countries.

"There is no country or enterprise in Europe delivering arms to
Armenia. Russia should make a choice, either cease the policy on
armaments of Armenia for a peaceful resolution to the conflict or
promote the commencement of a crisis in the region," Azmiov stressed.

The conflict between the two countries of South Caucasus began in 1988
due to territorial claims by Armenia against Azerbaijan. Armenia has
occupied 20% of the Azerbaijani land including the Nagorno-Karabakh
region and its seven surrounding Districts. Since 1992, these
territories have been under the occupation of the Armenian Forces. In
1994, Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement at which time
the active hostilities ended. The Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group
( Russia, France and USA) are currently holding peaceful negotiations