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Anar Aliyev crossed the border because he was pensive

Anar Aliyev crossed the border because he was pensive

04.08.2007 14:13

`I was walking along the river, when suddenly I met soldiers. They took
me to their place. I feel normal. They talked to me today. I came here
as I was pensive. I am well. They promised to inform my family about
me. I will possibly return with mediation of International Committee of
the Red Cross (ICRC). Do not worry about me, I am well. Anar,’ says the
letter written by Terter resident Anar Aliyev captured on August 2 to
his family, APA Karabakh bureau reports.

The committee handed the letter to Anar’s brother. Representatives of
ICRC Nagorno Karabakh office today visited the Azerbaijani civilian
captured by Armenians.

Anar Aliyev’s father Maarif Aliyev told APA’s Karabakh correspondent
that his son suffered from nervous breakdown in the past one year.
Witnesses saw his son yesterday visit his mother’s grave at about 12.00
and walk along Terter river.

`He liked being alone and reacted very nervously to everything. We
heard that Anar was captured from media,’ he said.

Anar Aliyev is 29 years old, got higher education, did his military
service and is single. He was captured on August 2 at the contact line
of the Armed Forces of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan.

Toneyan Mark:
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