Azerbaijan completely believes that Albania sold armament to Armenia


Azerbaijan has completely come to believe in the fact that Albania has
sold armament to Armenia

Albania is an Islamic country and simply by its definition it can’t
supply the Christian Armenia with armament.
02.08.2007 GMT+04:00

Azerbaijan has completely come to believe in the fact that Albania has
sold armament to Armenia. Everything got so serious that even
President Ilham Aliyev underlined at the meeting of the Cabinet: `The
fact that Albania refused to sell armament to Armenia was just another
proof of Azerbaijan’s growing influence on the world scene.’

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Azeri Press Agency in its reference to Industrywatch
has announced, that the Turkish authorities refused to allow the
armament and the ammunition intended for Armenia pass by their
territory. `According to the Prime Minister of Albania Sali Barishi,
Turkey made the Albanian vessel carrying the armament turn back. `One
of our vessels with 60 containers carrying heavy artillery and
armament was at Durres. The vessel started from Durres to Istanbul,’
said in an interview to the Albanian Gazeta Shqiptare the Director of
MEIKO, the company dealing with trade of armament, and added that
Albania had nothing to do with the conflict between Armenia and

According to the Press Service of the Azerbaijani Minister of Foreign
Affairs, on the initiative of the Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Lulzim Basha a telephone conversation took place with the Azerbaijani
Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammedyarov on July 31. During the
conversation the Albanian Minister assured his colleague that the
Albanian government hadn’t given its agreement to `MEIKO’ on the sale
of the armament to Armenia. Lulzim Basha said, that `The contract on
the armament delivery is canceled and no other deliveries will be made
to Armenia,’ writes the Azeri press.

Meanwhile sale of armament to Armenia made by Albania and moreover
through Turkey is simply impossible, and it is strange that Baku
doesn’t understand this. Or it’s another thing if the country’s
authorities have again started to convince its nation that the Azeri
authorities keep the situation under control and will never `allow’
Armenia to be furnished with armament. According to the
Press-Secretary of the Armenian Minister of Defence Seyran
Shakhsuvaryan, Armenia has never bought and is not going to buy any
armament from Albania and the whole story with the armament being
delivered to Armenia is nothing but a mere lie. Albania is an Islamic
country and simply by its definition can’t supply the Christian
Armenia with armament. Armenia is a CSTO Member country and buys its
armament from RF, with much lower price than that of
Albanian. Moreover, Albania on account of OSCE Membership has no right
to sell armament to either of the conflicting parties. Baku may not be
ignorant of all this though. However the information reached the
addressee, in this case, the Azeri society, which is obviously tired
of `constant fires on the Azeri positions by the Armenians’ and `fires
around Nagorno-Karabakh’, for both are very good occasions to write
about deaths of soldiers and bad harvest. The same goes for the
armament – now it is possible to purchase weapon from anyone without
any difficulty.

The strange it may sound, the Turkish Press wrote nothing about this
`scandal’, for either Turkey has enough of its own problems to solve,
or Ankara doesn’t take this whole story with the armament seriously at
«PanARMENIAN.Net» analytical department