NKR: For Securing People’s Safety


Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Aug 6 2007

In the direction of pre-obviating and revealing the crimes and
securing the public order and safety the means realized by NKR police
bodies and subdivisions contribute to preservation of stable operative
situation at the republic. It can be come at that conclusion by getting
acquainted with the results of first term official activity of 2007
represented by the NKR police headquarters, which have benn inserted
also in the 19th number of "Azat Artsakh" newspaper. Highway police
has also its management in general process.

In PastSoviet republics "hot line" was used, the essence of which was
the following: one or two telephone number works twenty-four-hour, by
which the citizens gave the alarm about the violations, crimes. But
today the highway police structure daes not give a chance to have
"hot line", but after making structural changes, new subdivisions will
be created in the service, which will give a chance to have "hot line".