Food Safety Standards Still Violated In Armenia


2007-08-08 17:30:00

State Veterinary and Food Safety Inspectorate, Ministry of Agriculture
of Armenia, exposed a number of violations.

Head of the Public Organization for Protection of Consumer’ Rights
Abgar Yeghoyan said at a press conference that only 6 of 500
inspections did not expose violations. Thus, 400 cases of expired
foodstuffs, 300 violations of temperature control, and 200 violations
of food certificate were exposed.

The above public organization also conducted similar inspections and
exposed some 400 violations of food safety standards. In addition, the
Health Ministry of Armenia has recently registered 2 cases of peracute
food poisoning in 28 people in Ashtarak and 5 in Yerevan. World health
Organizations reports on some 1,5 billion food poisonings in children
worldwide every year, including 3 million lethal outcomes.

Often street food trading becomes the reason of poising, Yeghoyan
said. The problem is still acute in Armenia, he said. For this purpose,
the Public Organization for Protection of Consumers’ Rights proposed
the Armenian Prime Minister to form a relevant inter-department
commission. However, no response has been received so far, Yeghoyan