Security guard thwarts attack by gunman in Jerusalem’s old city

Israel Insider, Israel
Aug 10 2007

Security guard thwarts attack by gunman in Jerusalem’s old city

By: Israel Insider staff
Published: August 10, 2007

A 20-year-old Arab man who was planning to carry out an attack, was
killed after shooting a security guard in Jerusalem?s old city and
stealing his gun. Ten people were wounded in the ensuing gun fight ?
7 severely, and three moderately. Among them were six Jews, two
Armenians and two Muslims.

The man attacked the security guard, shooting him in the chest twice,
and took his firearm. A second security guard pursued the assailant.
The attacker died in the gun fight that followed.

"[This was] and excellent reaction by the guard. The execution and
the professional reaction was exemplary," Police Insp.-Gen. David
Cohen said, the Jerusalem Post reported. "The security system in
Jerusalem has once again proven that its deployment is fitting and on
a high professional level."

The incident occurred in the Old City’s Ateret Cohanim yeshiva in the
Christian Quarter.

The gunman was not carrying any identification, but is from the area.
Police are currently trying to locate his family.

Police raised the alert level ahead of Friday prayers in the Old City
following the incident, Haaretz reported.

Police Commissioner Dudi Cohen said that, "East Jerusalem security is
at its maximum level, and people can come visit."