UN to discuss CIS `frozen conflicts’ in September


UN to discuss CIS `frozen conflicts’ in September
10.08.2007 17:05 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Frozen conflicts in the GUAM area and their
implications for international peace, security and development will be
discussed at the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly.

The Secretary General of GUAM, Valery Chachashvili, said the issue of
presenting the draft resolution on protracted conflicts in the GUAM
area to the consideration of the UN General Assembly may be discussed
early in September. The next meeting of the national coordinators of
the `Organization for Democracy and Economic’ was scheduled for this

The draft resolution on frozen conflicts in the GUAM area was devised
and included in the agenda of the UN General Assembly at the end of
2006. The item was later withdrawn from the agenda by GUAM
representatives themselves.

GUAM was formed by post-Soviet countries in 1997. In 2006, at the
first summit of the organization in Kiev, the decision to announce
GUAM as an international organization with a new name of `Organization
for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM’ was made, Trend