Armenian National Committee of Australia `Meets the Community’

Armenian National Committee of Australia
259 Penshurst Street, Willoughby NSW 2068
PO Box 768, Willoughby NSW 2068
T: (02) 9419 8264 | F: (02) 9411 8898
E: [email protected] | W:

Armenian National Committee of Australia `Meets the Community’

An opportunity for members of the Armenian Australian community to
meet and interact with the newly appointed executive of the Armenian
National Committee of Australia.

Date: Sunday 9th September 2007
Time: 6pm
Venue: Armenian Cultural Centre 259 Penshurst Street Willoughby

Join the Armenian National Committee of Australia for a briefing of
ANC Australia activities and the screening of various Armenian
National Committee Shorts from the USA and the Middle-East


`ANC America – `ANC America – Grass Roots Makes The Difference’
A promotional DVD describing the activities of the Armenian National
Committee of America and the organisations growing influence

`ANC Lebanon ` People Power’ (in Armenian)
A complete description of the activities of the Armenian National
Committee of Lebanon throughout 2006

`Screamers Documentary Preview’
A preview to the documentary that examines genocide – from the
Armenian genocide, to the Holocaust, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur –
through the eyes and music of the Grammy award-winning rock band
`System of a Down,’ whose members are all grandchildren of genocide

Tea & Coffee will be available at the conclusion of the gathering
where community members will be able to meet directly with the ANC
Australia Executive. It will be an opportunity to discuss any issues
or concerns relating to the Armenian Community in Australia.

The Armenian National Committee of Australia is the peak public
affairs body of the Armenian-Australian community. ANC Australia
advances the concerns of the Armenian-Australian community.