"Erebuni – Yerevan" Festival To Be Held On October 12-13


Noyan Tapan
Aug 13 2007

YEREVAN, AUGUST 13, NOYAN TAPAN. The events envisaged within the
frameworks of the "Erebuni-Yerevan" festival will be held between
October 12 to 13.

According to the information provided by Kamo Movsisian, the Head of
the Department of Culture, Youth Affairs and Sport of the municipality
of Yerevan, at the press conference held on August 13, the preparatory
measures dedicated to the day of Yerevan have already been taken. He
mentioned that the solemn opening ceremony of the festival will
take place in the National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet
named after A. Spendiarian on October 12. On October 13 various
holiday measures will be taken in the parks of the capital and as
for the closing ceremony of the festival, it will take place on the
Republic square in the evening. In addition to this, exhibitions,
including the photo exhibition titled "Yerevan through my eyes",
will be opened within the frameworks of this festival.