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KKE Message On AKEL’s 81st Anniversary


Athens News Agency
Published: Aug 13, 2007

The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) on Monday wished the AKEL party
of Cyprus success in its struggles and particuarly the upcoming
Presidental elections in Cyprus, in a message marking the 81st
anniversary of AKEL’s founding

In a written message, the KKE central committee said that AKEL
"has fought with consistency against nationalism, reactionary ideas,
obscurantism", and for this reason "has many times found itself the
target of the imperialists and the reactionary forces"

It said that the Greek and Cypriot communists have bonded with strong,
filial ties through tough battles and difficult conditions

The two parties, it added, have built close ties of friendship,
cooperation and internationalistic solidary in their common struggle
against the imperalistic barbarity, for peace, democracy, workers’
rights, and socialism

The KKE further expressed its undivided support in the difficult
struggle being waged today against the Turkish occupation and for
a just and peaceful solution of the Cyprus problem based on the
UN resolutions and Summit Agreements of 1977-1979, which envisage a
bizonal, bicommunal federation in a single sovereign and international
entity and nationality, and a solution that would restore the unity,
territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus,
without the right of unilateral intervention by any foreign country

"For an independent Cyprus, a common homeland for all the Cypriots:
Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins
(Cypriot Catholics)"

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