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NKR: To The Workers Of NKR Sphere…


Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Rep.
Aug 13 2007

Dear compatriots! On behalf of NKR NA and my own I congratulate you
in connection with the special holiday – the day of a builder. The
work of the builder is one of our ancient national professions and
as a sphere of native construction, in all times it has been worthy
of general respect and honour. Preserving this tradition, today
our people estimate worthly your work directed to the enriching of
the country. Your investment is very important, especially in the
present stage of the process of building the independent statehood of
Artsakh, when the works of rebuilding and restoring of a dwelling fund,
spiritual and educational-cultural hearths, and especially the works
of country building are run up year after year. I’m sure, that you –
the workers of this sphere, will continue in future to solve with
success the problem of public significance, to realize the growing
sizes of the building works satisfying a high qualitative level. My
dear friends I congratulate you on this holiday. My best wishes to
you. Ashot Ghoulian The Speaker of NKR NA.

Kalashian Nyrie:
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