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Several Events On IT Sphere To Be Held In Armenia In September-Octob


2007-08-14 13:35:00

A number of events dedicated to the development of Information
technologies will be held in Armenia in Sep-Oct, 2007. However,
the cycle of events will not be officially named ‘IT Month’ as in 2006.

As Executive Director of the Union of Companies of Information
Technologies Karen Vardanyan told ArmInfo, the fifth symposium of the
world organization ‘(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’
‘East-West: Design and Testing’ will be held in Yerevan Sep 7-10 within
the frames of the events. Along with it, he said, it is scheduled to
organize a week of SYNOPSYS during September. He also said that an
international conference with participation of different countries’
business-incubators will be organized during the events by the Fund
‘Incubator of Enterprises’.

Upon completion of the events, an exhibition on information and high
technologies Digitec 2007 will be held Sep 26-28 in K. Demirchyan’s
Sport-Concert Complex with participation of 50 local and 20 foreign
IT-companies against 50 in 2006 in whole. ‘We hope that this exhibition
will be the most representative among the similar forums in the South
Caucasus ‘, K. Vardanyan said. He added that a business-forum will be
held within the frames of the exhibition, during which representatives
of IT companies and other branches of economy, including agriculture,
trade and construction, will consider opportunities of more active
implementation and use of IT-solutions in the country.

‘The goal of the event is creation of a favourable environment for
cooperation of information and telecommunication companies and business
users and, thus, improvement of positions of Armenia’s IT-sector in
the international market’, K. Vardanyan said. The events are organized
by the Union of Companies of Information Technologies of Armenia and
the Fund ‘Incubator of Enterprises’.

By assessment of specialists, about 80% of production of Armenia’s
IT-sphere goes for export, 60% of which to the USA, 20% to Europe. The
volume of market of Armenia’s high technologies is estimated of $60-70
mln on average or 2% of GDP.
From: Baghdasarian

Baghdasarian Karlen:
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