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Turkey Pays $100 Thousand Monthly To A Former Congressman

By H. Chaqrian

AZG Armenian Daily

The article’s title refers to Richard Gepart, who after being elected
to US Congress fourteen times, retired in 2005 and established the
DLA Riper lobbying organization. "Washington Post" received this
information from Sylvia Parson, the wife of director of Houston
Genocide Museum William Parson.

Mrs. Parson noted that, unlike other pensioners, 66-year old Gepart
has built a new house for himself and declared he is starting a new
career, as returning to politics would be a serious mistake. This
statement Mrs. Parson in her letters explains with the following words:
Turkey $100 thousand monthly to Gepart for hampering the adoption of
the Armenian Resolution, therefore his decision about returning into
politics must not seem surprising.

"Sabah" newspaper, commenting on this publication on August 8,
states that Turkish authorities, after coming to agreement with the
"Livingston Group" in order of starting lobbyist activity among
American Democrats, also made an agreement with Richard Gepart’s
organization. Otherwise, Gepart agreed to defend Turkey’s interests
in the Congress for 100 thousand dollars monthly.

By the way, as of August 13, 223 of 435 members of the US Congress
Representatives’ Chamber (51,3%) supports the recognition of the
Armenian Genocide. In the aforementioned article "Sabah" warns about
it the Foreign Ministry of Turkey and adds, "This the Jewish lobbies
of the USA do not work to Tukey’s benefit at all. Only a few men in
the Turkish Embassy in Washington are striving against the Armenian
Resolution, so the situation is not very optimistic".

Karagyozian Lena:
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