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Armenian-American Analyst Considers Turkey’s Possible Membership In


Noyan Tapan
Aug 14 2007

YEREVAN, AUGUST 14, NOYAN TAPAN. The recognition of the Armenian
Genocide by U.S. Congress will not threaten the interests of the
United States. This conviction was expressed by Richard Kirakosian,
an American-Armenian analyst, during the August 14 discussion
on the subject "The recognition of the Armenian Genocide, its
consequences, influence on Armenian-Turkish relations and American
foreign policy." In general, according to Richard Kirakosian, the
issue of the Armenian Genocide in itself is not a decisive one in
Turkish-American relations, as both of the countries are interested in
another issue: the stability of Iraq, each from its own point of view.

Richard Kirakosian mentioned that the issue of the recognition of
the Armenian Genocide is not the only important one in the context of
Armenian-Turkish relations: the issue of opening borders with Turkey
is more important for Armenia. According to him, the economic blockade
implemented by Azerbaijan and Turkey is dangerous for Armenia. And
as for the opening of borders with Turkey, R. Kirakosian believes
that it can prove dangerous only for several powerful personalities
of Armenia, who enjoy import monopoly for this or that kind of goods.

Richard Kirakosian considers the possible membership of Turkey in
the European Union positive for Armenia, as in this case the borders
of the European Union will reach Armenia. And as for the membership
of Turkey in the European Union, according to R. Kirakosian, it can
prove somewhat dangerous for EU member countries, from the point of
view of the Islamic terrorism.

Hovhannisian John:
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