Opening The Armenian-Turkish Border Threatens The Positions Of Armen

By A. Haroutiunian

AZG Armenian Daily

Armenia’s National Interests

The Greatest Threat to Armenian National Security Remains Corruption,
And Not Only…

On August 13, at the Strategic and National Studies Institute
of Armenia was held a discussion dedicated to the adoption of the
Armenian Resolution by the US Congress and its possible influences on
the relations between Armenia and Turkey and the US foreign policy,
as well as the main threats to strategic and economic relations.

Speaking on the topic international relations scientist Richard
Kirakosian first of all outlined the Kurdish problem, an issue of
Tukey’s national security, and marked it as a means of preserving
stability in the region.

As Mr. Kirakosian represented the situation, the military authorities
of Turkey for the first time have admitted the necessity of opening
the border with Armenia. To the opinion of the Armenia side, opening
the Armenia-Turkey border will promote development of trade, reduce
the dependency of Armenian economy from Georgia, and finally remove
the economical blockade from Armenia. It is more remarkable, that
to Mr. Kirakosian’s opinion opening the border will also encourage
growth of competition inside Armenia, which naturally does not meet the
interests of a group of people holding economic monopoly in Armenia.

In sense of military strategy, Kirakosian emphasized the difficulties
in America-Turkey relations and Tukrkey’s doubts about choosing
between European and Asian ways of development. The relations between
the USA and Turkey are becoming tougher because of the Kurdish issue,
as, irrespective of Tukey’s interest, the Kurds remain Washington’s
only allies in the war in Iraq.

In any case, Kirakosian considers that the membership of Turkey
the European Union will be beneficial to Armenia, as the borders
of the EU will draw nearer to Armenia and Turkey become constrained
by the European "strait-jacket". Moreover, in case of being granted
membership, Turkey will have to reduce its military forces.

Mr. Kirakosian also made another remarkable statement: the greatest
threat to Armenia’s national security comes not from abroad, but
from inside. Armenian statehood is most threatened by global regress,
caused by corruption and so-called "good management".

"Azg" reporter asked Mr. Kirakosian’s opinion about Turkey’s
possible involvement and real role in the peace process and
Nagorno-Karabakh. Richard Kirakosian replied, "Turkey has realized
that the blockade did not work and that there a only a few possible
moves left to do. Thus Turkey became the ‘prisoner’ of Azerbaijan."

Kirakosian noticed that Turkey is of course not pleased of depending
on Baku, especially now when Turkey is no more the number one
military partner of Azerbaijan. Turkey has been replaced by the USA
and Russia. Kirakosian said that at the same time he remains more
concerned with Russia’s "treachery" rather than Turkey’s interference
to the Karabakh process.

Richard Kirakosian also expressed original point of view on
Armenia-Georgia relationships. Particularly, Kirakosian, specializing
in studies of political situation in Central Asian and Post-Soviet
states, said that Armenia’s enmity with Azerbaijan is at least
certain. "Armenia knows well that Azerbaijan is an enemy, but Georgia
is unpredictable: one day it is an enemy, the other a good friend,"
he added.

By the way Kirakosian advised the Foreign Ministry of Armenia resign
the issue of recognition of Armenian Genocide as a priority of national
foreign policy and pay more attention rather to the economic blockade
of Armenia, a violation of international law perpetrated by Turkey.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS