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Continuous Suicide Bombings In Iraq Proves U.S. Is A De-Stabilizing

by Peter Tremblay

Canadian National Newspaper, Canada
Aug 16 2007

Suicide attacks in northwestern Iraq killed an estimated more than
250 people, where the Yazidi sect of Islam live. The attackers drove
fuel tankers into a residential area.

U.S. oppressive and expansionist military policies, are
singularly responsible for a worsening culture of violence and
destruction in Iraq. The replacement of the belligerent U.S. Bush
administration-sponsored occupation of Iraq, for oil, and for other
strategic military purposes, with a non-oppressive United Nations
peacekeeping force, would likely lead to the diminishing of the
current civil war milieu in Iraq.

The current U.S. occupation of Iraq is "good" for exploitative
Big Oil interests that are closely connected to the U.S. Bush
administration. U.S. occupation also supports the kind of milieu of
armed genocidal conflict, and that, in turn, supports those interests
that seek to cynically capitalize on Middle East conflict. These
interests include those groups that seek to get billions of dollars
selling arms. Selling arms, is much more difficult in a time of
peace. Peace in Iraq, and the Middle East, therefore, "would not be
good for business."

Yazidis – the Kurdish sect that was targeted – live in a very remote
part of Ninevah province, where there is little security, and have no
need for military forces. However, the Yazidis are sometimes targeted
by Muslim extremists, who consider the Yazidis to be infidels.

Yazidi is an obscure pre-Islamic religious sect making up 30 percent
of the population in and around Mosul. The group, also found in other
areas of the Middle East including Iran, Turkey, Armenia and Syria
– and in Russia – is made up primarily of ethnic Kurds. Estimates
indicate there are fewer than 500,000, and possibly even fewer than
100,000, Yazidis across the globe. The rejection that evil and the
devil exist. is one the central principles of the group.

The Islamic State in Iraq, an al-Qaida front group, had distributed
leaflets warning residents near where the bombings took place that
an attack was imminent because Yazidis are "anti-Islamic."

Dakhil Qassim, mayor of the nearby town of Sinjar, said the four
trucks approached the town of Qahataniya, 75 miles west of Mosul,
Iraq’s third-largest city, from dirt roads, and all exploded within
minutes of each other. He said the casualty toll was expected to rise.

"We are still digging with our hands and shovels because we can’t
use cranes because many of the houses were built of clay," Qassim said.

"We are expecting to reach the final death toll tomorrow or day after
tomorrow, as we are getting only pieces of bodies."

The Bush administration does not apparently believe in freedom,
"liberty" and democracy in practice. Iraq shows that the real agenda
of the Bush administration is a policy of opportunistic exploitation
and oppression which suits related military and Big Business interests.

An enduring peace can only be achieved by community of civilized
nations that embrace human rights within the United Nations context.

Such a facilitative civilizing force rather than the current oppressive
U.S. force, would seek to help provide basic access to clean drinking
water, food, clothing, shelter, housing, and healthcare to the
U.S. battered Iraqi people, alongside the full restoration of national
sovereignty for Iraq, that the U.S. Bush administration seeks to deny.

Kajoyan Gevork:
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