Categories: News

Lifeline Roads To Be Renovated


21:30 15/08/2007

"As part of the five-year program of Millennium Challenge, a strategic
investment of finances and technology will be given to renovate
Armenia’s rural irrigation systems and village roads, to assist in
the advancement of the economy and agro business in rural areas." This
was announced today at a press conference by Ara Hovsepyan, director
of the Armenia Fund office.

In his words, the program will ensure the village population by
75%. "This program will lower the amount of poverty in the villages,
while increasing yearly incomes."

Hovsepyan points out that 67 million dollars is foreseen to renovate
943 kilometers of roads, of which one third are considered as lifelines
for the rural communities. He stressed that this would give every
village community a road to the marketplace, also noting that the
Armenian government is bound by the program to provide funds for
future upkeep of the roads.

Hovsepyan also informed that a separate fund of 146 million dollars is
planned to assist in the improvement of irrigation systems, increased
production, new technologies, and improve the competition field for
250,000 farm families.

Kalashian Nyrie:
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