Education System Is In A Disastrous State, According To Tatul Manase


AZG Armenian Daily

Spontaneously Developing Economy of Armenia has no Guiding Lines

"We cannot speak of development, while there are no economic
development guiding lines: supreme spheres, here", announced NA
previous MP, economist Tatul Manaserian at a press conference in
"Pastark" club, on August 16.

"We don’t contribute to the development of Armenian economy, but
due to import we promote the economic development of Russia, Turkey,
etc.", said Doctor of Economy, Prof. Tatul Manaserian.

He is not against the integration into the World Economy, but is
concerned about the issue of our unawareness of neighboring countries’
economies and its influence on the Armenian economy and competition.

Anyway, the main issue, according to Tatul Manaserian, is the absence
of the systematized economic strategy.

There are several ways for the development of Armenian economy,
which can even make a surplus of working places in our country. For
this purpose, it’s necessary to recognize the Armenian economy,
take account of the resources, reveal the competition advantages,
clarify the guiding lines, etc, according to Prof. Manaserian.

We must have a national development model in Armenia, as the models of
the World Bank or International Monetary Fund has not worked anywhere
and will not work in Armenia likewise.

Prof. Manaserian mentions the following sicknesses of the Armenian
economy: inability to use own opportunities, too much politicization
of everything, not working laws, etc.

Tataul Manaserian touched upon one of the most important factors in
the development of economy – education system. He mentioned that the
situation here is disastrous in terms of corruption and the educational
system of Armenia needs fundamental amendments.