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Meeting In Irvine

Written by Ramaz Mitaishvili

Abkhazia Institute for Social & Economic Research, CA
Aug 17 2007

In view of the great and multi-faceted importance of Georgia-Turkey
relations, any visit of a high-ranking AISER officials to GCC
Foundation is bound to be a significant event.

So it was on August 14, 2007, when Mr. Irakli Gagua and Dr. Ushangi
Rezhinashvili, spent a full day at GCC Foundation’s Orange Branch
Irvine Headquarters meeting with administrators of GCC Foundation Mr
Gagua’s and Dr. Rezhinashvili’s visit was highlighted by afternoon
meetings with Mr. Atilla Kahveci, and with volunteers of Global
Cultural Connection Foundation.

GCC was created to help establish a better society where individuals
love, respect and accept each other as they are regardless of religion,
race, or culture. GCC members maintain close relations with Valley
Interfaith Council, Los Angeles Interfaith Council, Tolerance
Foundation and some local churches.

The day began with the AISER officials meeting with Mr. Atilla Kahveci,
and then with tenth of GCC volunteers followed by a luncheon hosted by
GCC. Also attending the luncheon were members of the Turkey Community,
as well as, Orange County community group that supports GCC. A
one-minute silence was held in memory of the 35,000 innocent victims
of Russian Invasion in Abkhazia 1992-1993. After, AISER officials
closed the day with a visit to the GCC Library and School Facility.

In the eyes of the Georgian government, Georgia’s relationship with
the Turkey is of paramount importance. Publications of the AISER have
declared that "Economic and industrial cooperation between the Georgia
and Turkey now sets the pace for the entire world. Our two economies
are inseparably united and for a last ten years, the most important
bulwark of stability in Caucasus region has been the Georgian-Turkey
Security Treaty.

In the Georgia-Turkey relationship, the greater Los Angeles area can
play a key role. In intellectual exchange between Georgia and the
Turkey also, the Los Angeles area can be a leader. It is therefore
gratifying that AISER’s visit was productive. Dr. Rezhinashvili and
Mr. Gagua were highly impressed by the excellence of Turkey-related
programs and facilities. "I left campus looking forward to building
further ties between your great School and the AISER", said Dr.


Mr. Gagua informed GCC members, about establishing of Medical School
in Upper Abkhazia. This project as well as GCC’s intend to establish
cultural connection with Armenian community will be supported by
both organizations.

Karagyozian Lena:
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