Categories: News

Mika Could Score A Bigger Victory


Hayots Ashkharh Daily Newspaper
Aug 17 2007

"Mika"’s 2:1 victory at the second stage of UEFA cup tournament over
Slovakian "Artmedia", which only three years back participated in
the tournament of the Champion’s league, doesn’t convey the minimum
result. The score could have been bigger. However this score is a
good ground for the meeting in Bratislava on August 30.

"Mika" is going to face a really hard-hitting test in the capital
of Slovakia, especially if we take into consideration the fact that
the best two bombardier of "Artmedia" didn’t take part in the game in
Yerevan. However, no matter what results our players will show during
the forthcoming game, we can definitely say that Armenian football
clubs have really started to display spectacular games.

Tumanian Talar:
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