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Victory Of Erdogan’s Party Is Failure Of Political Forces Supporting

By Hakob Chakrian

AZG Armenian Daily

On August 16, Turkish Prime Minister Rejep Taip Erdoghan submitted
the list of the new government shaped from "Justice and Prosperity"
party to Turkish President Ahmed Nejdet Sezer. Without looking through
the list, Sezer told Erdoghan to submit that to the new president of
the republic.

The political forces who support the Turkish armed forces, considered
this step of Sezer as a act of compromise to Erdoghan, grounding
this by the fact that the plenipotentiaries of the acting president
completed in early May.

One couldn’t agree with the position of the abovementioned forces,
if not the fact that the erdoghan’s new government was shaped by the
August 11 decree of Sezer. Moreover, from early May Sezer managed
to make many other appointments, including 15 university rectors,
members of the Supreme Educational Board and the Constitutional Court.

At the same time, the opponents of the abovementioned forces consider
that by this step Sezer was an act of resistance against Erdoghan and
"Justice and Prosperity" party.

They think that having refused to get familiarized with the structure
of the newly shaped government, Sezer obviously tries to avoid
implementing his constitutional duties and the Democratic-Republican
party violates the article #102 of the current constitution by
boycotting the presidential elections.

It’s worth mentioning that rejecting the candidacy of Abdullah Giul
for the presidential position, the headquarter of the Turkish Armed
forces violate their plenipotentiaries. This means that the victory of
Erdoghan’s "Justice and Prosperity" party in the July 22 parliamentary
elections had a crucial impact on not only the Democratic-Republican
party and the Presidential Staff, but also on the headquarter of the
Turkish armed forces that support some electoral circles.

Perhaps, that’s why, there are rumors circulating in Ankara, saying
that in case Giul is elected Turkish President, General Yashar
Buyukanter, head of the headquarter of the Turkish Armed Forces,
will resign.

It’s worth mentioning that in response to a journalists’ question on
his resignation, Buyukanter stated that he had no answer , he is no
beginner and he has no idea who had spread such news. He added that
some people try to make him feel guilty by spreading such news. He
underscored that he will resign only in case, the resignation is in
the interests of Turkey.

Virabian Jhanna:
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