Germany has no intention to co-chair OSCE Minsk Group on settlement

Germany has no intention to co-chair OSCE Minsk Group on settlement

2007-08-18 09:25:00

Germany has no intention to co-chair OSCE Minsk Group on settlement of
Karavbakh conflict, German Ambassador to Azerbaijan Per Stankina says
in an interview with APA.

Asked if Germany wants to become a co-chair, the Ambassador said:
`Certainly not. The Minsk Group is very active. But it can’t make the
policy. Politics have to be done by the residents of Azerbaijan and
Armenia. The Minsk group can only facilitate the process; can make
proposals, talk to both sides. But the decision must be made by the
governments of the two countries. And both countries are not yet ready
to take the decision.

The position of Germany on the issue is still the same. We respect the
borders of Azerbaijan.’