Ordered – Nominated


Hayots Ashkharh Daily Newspaper
18 Aug 2007

`I would like to underscore a very important factor that is not
taken into consideration in Armenia. Levon Ter-Petrosyan is a member of
Armenian Pan National Movement. When the Chair of Armenian Pan National
Movement administration declares that the party is going to nominate
Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s candidacy it is not a rumor. It is serious. It is
a process about which we speak.’ Ararat Zurabyan announced this
yesterday, with a very serious, clever, a bit mysterious, but extremely
determined facial experience, touching upon the circulated `rumors’
about Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s nomination to presidency.
That is why we shouldn’t ` consider them rumors or comment upon
them, saying, `Why he himself doesn’t say this. All in good time,’ he