Mediamax news agency
20 Aug 07
Yerevan, 20 August: Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs of Armenia
Armen Grigoryan and the vice-president of Iran and chairman of the
Physical Education Organization of Iran, Mohammad Aliabadi, signed
a memorandum of understanding in Yerevan today.
Speaking at a news conference in Yerevan today, Armen Grigoryan did
not rule out the possibility that open championships would be held in
a number of sports for the sportsmen of the two countries. The signed
memorandum envisages cooperation in the sphere of training coaches,
as well as in the sphere of sport medicine and information.
Mohammad Aliabadi learned about the opportunities of the Olympic
base in Tsakhkadzor and reached preliminary agreements on holding
joint educational-training gatherings of the two countries’ national
volleyball and basketball teams in Armenia and Iran.
From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress