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JCRC: Statement on Armenian Genocide

Statement on Armenian Genocide

8/18/07 — The following statement was released by the JCRC on
behalf of Nancy K. Kaufman, Executive Director and James Segel,
President of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston
concerning the current controversy in Boston between the ADL and
Armenian Community:
The Jewish Community has had a warm and collegial relationship with
the Armenian community in greater Boston for many years. The Jewish
Community Relations council of Greater Boston released the following
statement on April 21st 2005 in commemoration of the 90th anniversary
of the genocide.
"Today we join together with the Armenian community remember the
darkest chapter of Armenian history, when, in 1915, the Ottoman Empire
initiated a policy of genocide that continued until 1922. More than one
and a half million Armenian men, women and children were systematically
murdered and the survivors scattered around the world.
The Armenian genocide represented a failure of the international
community to intervene aginst the worst possible crime, the destruction
of a people. We must never forget the Armenian genocide and maintain
our guard against those who deny its occurrence."
In light of the current controversy between the ADL and the Armenian
community, we stand by that statement and applaued the N.E. Regional
chapter of the ADL and its Director, Andrew Tarsy, for their bold and
unprecedented action of standing up to their national body. We stand
with them and in support of the local Armenian community which has
always recogznied the Holocaust and been with us each and every year to
commemorate it.

© 2007 Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston.

Nalbandian Eduard:
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