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AAA: Assembly Statement Regarding The Anti-Defamation League

Armenian Assembly of America
1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: info@aaainc.org

August 20, 2007
CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
E-mail: ckojoian@aaainc.org


The Armenian Assembly commends Andrew H. Tarsy, the Anti-Defamation
League’s (ADL) former New England regional director, and its regional
executive committee for publicly acknowledging the historical truth of
the Armenian Genocide. We also salute Stewart Cohen, former Chairman of
Polaroid Corp. and Mike Ross, a member of the Boston City Council, for
resigning from ADL’s regional board in a show of solidarity. In the face
of Turkey’s ongoing worldwide campaign to deny the facts of this crime
against humanity, Tarsy’s principled stand lives up to the promise and
purpose of the ADL’s "No Place for Hate" program.

ADL’s "No Place for Hate" program asks that participants sign a
"resolution of respect," which sets forth the following guiding

I pledge from this day forward to do my best to combat prejudice and to
stop those who, because of hate or ignorance, would hurt anyone or
violate their civil rights. I will try at all times to be aware of my
own biases and seek to gain understanding of those who I perceive as
being different from myself. I will speak out against all forms of
prejudice and discrimination. I will reach out to support those who are
targets of hate. I will think about specific ways my community members
can promote respect for people and create a prejudice-free zone. I
firmly believe that one person can make a difference and that no person
can be an "innocent" bystander when it comes to opposing hate. I
recognize that respecting individual dignity, achieving equality and
promoting intergroup harmony are the responsibilities of all people.

We deeply regret that Tarsy was fired for speaking the truth, and for
challenging what he calls ADL’s "morally indefensible" decision to
oppose Congressional legislation reaffirming the Armenian Genocide.
U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau, described those
events as a "campaign of race extermination" against the Armenian

As a people who have been subjected to the most egregious and extreme
form of hate – namely the attempted annihilation of their entire people
– Armenians around the world stand with those who have faced similar
atrocities. It is especially incumbent upon victimized communities to
stand together against hatred, bigotry and denial.

American Jewish community organizations have been divided for too long
and have an opportunity to demonstrate their moral leadership by
standing with the Armenian people and answering Hitler’s chilling
question: "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the
Armenians?" A first step would be to fully support Congressional
legislation, which affirms the Armenian Genocide: H. Res.106 and S.
Res.106, pending in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly is the largest
Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding
and awareness of Armenian issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
membership organization.


Hovhannisian John:
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