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Azeri, Iranian Leaders Sign "Comprehensive" Declaration


21 Aug 07

[Presenter] As a result of the talks that were held, the Azerbaijani
and Iranian presidents have signed a joint declaration. In addition,
memorandums were signed on the opening of a Baku-Naxcivan-Baku bus
route, the construction of a road bridge between Culfa (Azerbaijan)
and Jolfa (Iran [East Azarbayjan Province]) and of the Ordubad
[Azerbaijan] – Mazare [Iran’s East Azarbayjan Province] hydroelectric
power plant, and on the granting of international status to the
Saxtaxti [Azerbaijan] – Poldasht [Iran’s West Azarbayjan Province]
border checkpoint.

After the signing ceremony, the presidents held a joint news

[Ilham Aliyev, speaking at a news conference] The joint declaration
signed by the presidents is a very wide-ranging and comprehensive
document. It outlines all the principles that cover all the aspects
of bilateral relations. I am confident that it will become a serious
basis for future cooperation.

I would like to particularly note that the joint declaration includes
a provision on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagornyy Karabakh problem. The
Islamic Republic of Iran once again clearly supported Azerbaijan’s
position, the importance of resolving the conflict within the framework
of international law and Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

[Passage omitted: Iran has always supported Azerbaijan in Nagornyy
Karabakh issue]

The necessary action is being taken to meet mutual interests in all
other fields. We cooperate and support each other in international
organizations, be it the UN or the Organization of the Islamic
Conference or other organizations.

[Mahmud Ahmadinezhad, in Persian with overlaid translation into Azeri]
The level of our ties is high in all spheres. But we are not using
all of our potential in the economic field. A number of documents were
signed between our countries today. I am confident that in the future,
our economic cooperation will be even more efficient.

At the one-to-one and expanded meetings with Ilham Aliyev, we discussed
the situation in the region and in the world as a whole. I would like
to say that Iran backs equal rights for all peoples. We are against
the spread of violence in the world. We also back a resolution to
the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict on the basis of international law and
support Azerbaijan’s just position.

Ekmekjian Janet:
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