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Case On Armenian-Captured Azerbaijanis Debated In Geneva


Azeri Press Agency
Aug 21 2007

Azerbaijan Ombudsman Office’s scientific-analytical sector’s chief Zaur
Aliyev and Isabel Barras, International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC) Eastern Europe Operation head officer in Geneva discussed the
issue regarding Azerbaijanis captured by Armenians, Ombudsman Office’s
press service told the APA.

The issue on releasing Armenian-captured Azerbaijani soldier Samir
Mammadov was discussed at the meeting, Azerbaijani Ombudsman Elmira
Suleymanova’s appeal to ICRC leadership regarding it was mentioned.

Zaur Aliyev also presented Ombudsman’s letter addressed to ICRC
President Mr.Kellenberger for soonest releasing of Armenian-captured
Azerbaijani civilians, Ashraf Jafarov and Anar Aliyev to Ms. Barras.

Ms. Barras said that ICRC regional offices meet with all the three
captured Azerbaijanis and control their condition. She said that they
will take into consideration Azerbaijani Ombudsman’s request regarding
Samir’s parents talking to him over telephone. ICRC representative
said that the Committee accepted that two captured Azerbaijanis are
mentally ill.

Zaur Aliyev had meetings at the UN office in Geneva, the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
World Trade Organization and Swiss Foreign Ministry.

Felekian Ara:
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