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Chapman To Present Holocaust Lecture Series


Orange County Register, CA
Aug 21 2007

The theme for the series is ‘History as Witness to the Future.’


ORANGE Chapman University’s annual Holocaust Lecture Series, presented
by the school’s Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education, will focus
this year on the preservation of memories as a crucial component of
historical witness.

Under the theme "Saving Memories: History As Witness to the Future,"
speakers will cover such varied topics as the remembering the Armenian
genocide, preservation of cultural memories in rescued Yiddish books,
and filmed memories.

The year will culminate with an event focusing on the passing of
memories to a new generation (the annual Holocaust Art and Writing
Contest, involving hundreds of high school and middle school students)
and Chapman’s annual Evening of Holocaust Remembrance ceremony.

All events are free of charge and open to the public.

Call 714-628-7377 or go to for
more information.

The events:

Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. -"Buchenwald and Beyond: One Boy’s Story of Humanity
and Hope," lecture by Robert Waisman, teen survivor of the Buchenwald
concentration camp and today a retired businessman. Also features
a screening of the award-winning documentary film "The Boys of
Buchenwald." Memorial Hall, Chapman University, Orange. Admission:
free, by ticket only (this is an event aimed at Chapman students,
and any remaining tickets will be available to the public on the day
of the lecture at the Will Call table, starting at 6:15 p.m.)

Sept. 25 at 7 p.m.- "Must We Still Remember? The Armenian Genocide
as Prototype," lecture by Dr. Richard G. Hovannisian, professor
of Armenian and Near Eastern history and holder of the Armenian
Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Armenian History at UCLA. Bush
Conference Center, 404 Beckman Hall. Admission: free.

Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. – "Don’t You Know That Yiddish is Dead? How the
Last-Minute Rescue of Yiddish Books is Breathing New Life into Modern
Jewish Culture," lecture by Aaron Lansky, founder and president of
the National Yiddish Book Center, MacArthur Fellow and author of
Outwitting History: The Amazing Adventures of a Man Who Rescued a
Million Yiddish Books. Memorial Hall. Admission: free

Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. -"They Were My Neighbors: Jewish Survivors and Their
Rescuers in the Holocaust," lecture by Douglas Greenberg, professor
of history and executive director of the Shoah Foundation Institute
for Visual History and Education at USC. Memorial Hall.

Admission: free

Feb. 12 at 7 p.m.- Screening of the documentary Swimming in Auschwitz,
followed by conversation with writer/director/producer Jon Kean and
Auschwitz survivor Renee Firestone. Memorial Hall.

Admission: free.

March 7 at 11 a.m. -Awards Ceremony: The Ninth Annual Holocaust
Art and Writing Contest. Hundreds of Southern California middle and
high school students and their teachers and parents gather at the
culmination of the annual student writing and art contest presented
by Chapman’s Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education in partnership
with The "1939" Club. Following the awards presentation, participants
have the opportunity to meet and converse with Holocaust survivors.

Memorial Hall. Admission: free (public seating extremely limited).

April 29 at 7 p.m. -An Evening of Holocaust Remembrance. Solemn
commemoration in music and words, remembering the victims of the
Holocaust, including a candle-lighting ceremony representing the
Chapman community’s commitment to remembrance and to witness.

Memorial Hall. Admission: free.

The Jerry and Sally Schwartz Holocaust Lecture Series is funded by
the Jerry and Sally Schwartz Holocaust Education Fund, managed by
the Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Orange County,
in cooperation with the Jewish Community Center of Orange County.

The "1939" Club Lecture Series is made possible by The "1939" Club,
a Holocaust survivor organization. The "1939" Club’s Leopold Page
Memorial Righteous Rescuers Lecture Series is funded by a grant from
Steven Spielberg’s Righteous Persons Foundation; Mr. Page, number 173
on Schindler’s "List," was a founding member and president of The
"1939" Club, one of the largest and most active Holocaust survivor
organizations in the United States.

The Stan Ross Visiting Scholar in Holocaust History is made possible
by a gift from Stan Ross.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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