Election Results Predictable


Hayots Ashkharh Daily Newspaper
21 Aug 2007

What situation is expected in case Dashnaktsutyun stands for the
Presidential elections with a united candidate?

"I have deep respect for Dashnaktsutyun and approach the statements
of the party leaders with utmost seriousness. They have announced
that they will run for election with a united candidate and I have
no grounds to assume that they have changed their decision.

However, I don’t rule out that certain pre-election developments will
occur in the near future and such developments may introduce certain
corrections in the ARFD tactics.

However, regardless Dashnaktsutyun’s final attitude, the Republican
Party’s ‘reserve’ and our candidate’s investment in the process make
the election results quite predictable for us.

Moreover, in case of any arrangement of powers, the elections will
end in a single stage," GAGIK MINASYAN is convinced.