Gas Traffic To Armenia Through Georgia Resumes


ITAR-TASS News Agency, Russia
August 21, 2007 Tuesday 3:52 PM EST

Gas traffic from Russia to Armenia through the North Caucasus-Trans
Caucasus pipeline running across Georgia, suspended Sunday night
for repairs in Georgian territory, resumed earlier on Tuesday, the
Georgian International Oil and Gas Corporation told Prime-Tass.

A stand-by pipeline had to be reactivated for this.

"In the meantime, repairs on the pipeline in Georgia are continuing,
but they no longer interfere with gas supplies from Russia to Armenia,"
the Georgian company’s official said. "The pipeline repairs are
routine ones. Both Russia and Armenia had received early notice,
so no problems have been created. Throughout the suspension Armenia
used gas from its underground gas holders."

Over the past few months gas import from Azerbaijan fully met Georgia’
s own needs, so no Russian gas was taken out of the Armenia-bound

"The ongoing repairs on the North Caucasus-Trans Caucasus pipeline
created no gas supply problems to Georgia, either," the spokesman
for the Georgian oil and gas corporation said.