Categories: News

General Prosecutor Investigates "Fall"


18:43 21/08/2007

One of the leaders of the "Greater Russia" party and Russian Duma
member Dmitri Rogozin has requested Russian general prosecutor Yuri
Chayga to analyze the "Fall" book by Ingush writer Isa Kotson. This
was revealed today by the "Ekhtd Moscow" radio station.

According to sources, in the Russian representative’s opinion,
the Ingush writer’s book "falls" into the category of the Russian
criminal law concerning things anti-Russian, anti-religion, and hatred
of Russia.

The general prosecutor has accepted Rogozin’s request, the prosecutor’s
office has handed the case to the region court, asking to study the
question and come up with a conclusion within a certain deadline.

Various sources state that Kotson is considered in Ingushetia as a
"modern-day Tolstoy." The book, about national revenge, was just
recently published, and is dedicated to the memory of journalist
Anna Politkovska.

We also inform that the Russian legal system has also investigated
the literary works of Andrei Piontkovski and Pavel Astakhoy.
From: Baghdasarian

Baghdasarian Karlen:
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