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Lebanese Armenian: "Searching For Answers Outside Is Simple Propagan


19:33 21/08/2007

"Armenia’s biggest challenge is its being surrounded by neighbors
who are unpredictable and unstable," stated Richard Giragosian,
head of the Washington bureau of Caucasian and Central Asian issues,
at a meeting today with journalists, adding "for this very reason,
Armenia needs to look at itself and institute a real fight against
corruption, and make itself a strong, vibrant democracy." To him,
Armenia’s inner struggles are far more important for its national
security than what happens on the outside.

"I don’t look for enemies from within; that is very easy," he said. "On
the other hand, I look for self-confidence, so that Armenia won’t be
dependent on either the United States or Russia," Giragosian said,
adding that Armenia should strengthen its economy and military with
its own inner resources.

Referring to this question, Lebanese-Armenian political scientist
Asbed Koochigian stated that it was wrong for Armenia to look to the
outside for responsibility for its inner problems. "Today when we talk
about corruption and bribery, they say it is due to outer pressure. No,
those are internal issues, and must be solved here. Looking for answers
elsewhere is nothing but cheap propaganda," Koochigian said in closing.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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