Categories: News

Obituary On Zhirayr Hovnanian


AZG Armenian Daily #149

Culture, Social

On August 13, after a long illness, at the age of 80, died
American-Armenian benefactor Zhirayr Hovnanian in the New Jersey

Zhirayr Hovnanian was born in an Armenian refugee family in the city
of Kirkuk in Iraq. He immigrated into the United States of America
in 1948. In 1952 he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He
founded Zh.S. Hovnanian & Sons construction company in 1968, which has
built over six thousand buildings mainly in Burlington, Camden, and
Gloucester during the past 40 years. Zhirayr Hovnanian was granted the
Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 2006 for his services rendered to USA.

Letters of condolence are sent by RA President Robert Kocharian,
Chairman of the National Assembly Tigran Torosian and NKR former
president Arkadi Ghukasian, who mentioned in his letter: "The memory
of this true patriot will always be bright in the recollection of
all the Armenian people".

"Azg" daily also presents its condolences to the Hovnanian family.

Karakhanian Suren:
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